
Sunday, April 25, 2010

call The haunted ghost Rissa!!

Disclaimer: First of all let me tell you guys that i don't know anything about the matter i'm posting here,the fact is that i have received this information as a text message in my mobile phone's inbox. And i dont know whether the info is true or not. It may be true or not!!

"This is a scary and a true information . please read this carefully. A girl died 6 months ago . She had a mobile connection. But till now it has not been disconnected. If anyone contact this number at day time it will say that 'The vodafone number u r calling  is currently unavailable." But if you call her at midnight 12.00.a.m. The girl will talk to you or will sent you a blank sms.She will call you at  night. Her number is 09176326580. her name is RISSA.if you have guts,do it"

as for a fun i just thought of tracing this number.
I located this number and down below is the number location [located a few days before].

Try if u have guts and if you believe in ghosts!!!
more updates soon......

© 2010 rahul 
all rights reserved


Anonymous said...

ow ma ghosh..!! is it truee?? i hope it ain't true..!!

rahul sudha said...

i dnt knw yaar!!! but still i'm trying!!!!!!
trying to talk to that ghost!!!

Anonymous said...

i thnk someone has played prank on us!!

rahul sudha said...

ya i too think so!!!!

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